Items where Subject is "R Medicine > R Medicine (General)"

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Number of items at this level: 9.


Handayani, Sholikah and Kusuma, Prima Daniyati (2020) Manajemen Mual dan Muntah dengan Aromaterapi Pada Klien Kanker Serviks (Management of Nausea and Vomiting With Aromatherapyi Patients With Cervic Cancer). Prosiding Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian Dosen Program Studi Keperawatan dan Farmasi Volume 2 Nomor 1 Bulan Januari Tahun 2020. ISSN 2338 - 4514

Hartanto, Fajar Agung Dwi (2020) Peer Review Artikel Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional: Upaya Preventif dan Kuratif Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengan Penyuluhan Bagi Warga Dusun Ciren, Triharjo, Pandak, Bantul, DIY. Widyabhakti Jurnal Ilmiah Populer Vol. 1 No. 3 November 2020, 1 (3). ISSN 2654-6418


Pratiwi, Etik (2016) Gambaran Daya Ingat pada Lansia dengan Metode MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) di Bantul Yogyakarta. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Keperawatan. “Waspada Ebola: Optimalisasi Kualitas Peran Perawat Dalam Pemberian Asuhan Keperawatan”.

Pratiwi, Etik and Adi, Giri Susilo (2019) Peer review of journal article: The effect of spirituality assistance on improving life quality in cancer children. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 6 (9).

Pratiwi, Etik and Adi, Giri Susilo and Priliana, Wiwi Kustio and Nurzulaekha, Anisa Guntias (2020) Encephalitis with autoimmune disease in pediatric patients General X Hospital Yogyakarta Indonesia: a case report study. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 7 (5). pp. 1987-1989. ISSN 2394 6040

Pratiwi, Etik and Sri Mulatsih, Mulatsih and Sri Setiyarini, Setiyarini (2018) Peer review of journal article: Spirituality relationship to the quality of life of children with cancer in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 5 (3).


Widyarani, Linda (2015) Cryotherapeutic Ice Pack sebagai Topikal Analgesik pada Pediatrik Saat Prosedur Pemasangan Kateter Intravena di Instalasi Gawat Darurat: studi literatur. Proceeding: 3rd Adult Nursing in Practice: using evidance in care; Holistic Nursing in Emergency and Disaster: issue and future.

Widyarani, Linda (2015) Factors Associated With Prolonged Pre-hospital Delay in Patients with Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infaction (NSTEMI). The First International Conference on Nursing 2015: strengthening the lingkage of emergency, and public health, and nursing management.

Wulandari, Apri Nur and Dwi Susanti, Brigitta Ayu (2019) Peer review of journal article: The effect of mindfulness on the pregnant women's anxiety level in facing childbirth. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 6 (9).

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